How to protect your skin from the sun
Protecting your skin from harmful rays of the sun is the primary way to take care of your skin. Sun damage is one of many causes of uneven skin tones and in this, daily sun cream helps to prevent those effects. We all want a healthy-looking skin but exposer to sunshine increase the fine lines and, skin damage, and premature aging.
Never skip Sunscreen
Sunscreen is graded based on its effectiveness in blocking UV rays with a sun protection factor. Even on cool and slightly cloudy days, you should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15. According to the label of sunscreens, broad-spectrum means they block both ultraviolet A (UAV) and ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation exposer. Skin cancer, premature aging is caused by UVA rays that penetrate deep into the skin. UVB rays cause sunburn on the skin’s surface.

Sunglasses & Hat
Sunglasses protect your eye from harmful sun rays which cause cataracts. The UV coating is the most important element in sunglass just like sun cream it protects us from dangerous rays of the sun. The plastic lens can be treated with UV Coatings to prevent harmful rays from harming your eyes.
What not to do
If you are near water or sand, be extra cautious, the sunlight reflects more from these surfaces increase the risk of sunburn. Limit your sun exposer between 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM. The sun's rays are stronger between these hours. Wear long pants and a full-sleeved shirt. Wear clothes made of tightly woven dark colors that block the sun.

Avoid direct sun
Avoid facing direct sunlight this may cause the skin to burn faster. Drink an extra water so that your body gets hydrated, you can also use body lotions and creams for keeping your skin hydrated. The lotions also act as a barrier against the UV rays.